“Superheroes” Art Exhibition

“Superheroes” Art Exhibition

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15/01/2014 – 28/02/2014 – Forum Mayrin – Place des Cinq-Continents 1, 1217 Meyrin (Geneve) Suisse

Attraverso tavole originali, installazioni interattive, opere di artisti e fotografi internazionali, la mostra offre un ritratto caleidoscopico, ludico e pluridisciplinare ddi questi moderni miti che sono i Supereroi.

À travers planches de bd , installations interactives, œuvresd’artistes et de photographes international, l’exposition propose un portrait kaléidoscopique, ludique et pluridisciplinaire de ces mythes modernes que sont les super-héros.

Through comic strips, interactive installations, works of international artists and photographers, the exhibition offers a kaleidoscopic, entertaining and multidisciplinary portrait of the modern myths that are super heroes.

avec/with : David Lloyd (GB), Grégoire Guillemin (F), Foto Marvellini (I), François Burland (CH), Dulce Pinzón (MEX), Vincent Cavaroc (F), Hagan Arap (RI), Freeka Tet (FR), Ségolène Romier (CH).